Pipcorn Shark Tank is an example of dedication and self-belief in one’s aims and objectives.
‘Rags to riches’ and everything from nothing does happen with miracles but in some cases, it’s the people who push themselves so hard that they’re destined to be successful.
Let’s first get to know about Pipcorn and Shark Tank one by one.
What is Pipcorn?
Pipcorn is a snacks brand that sells on-the-go snacks in retail packs from heirloom corn.
The company was started by a couple and the husband’s sister, as simple as hand-stamping on the packs.
The idea was coined in 2001 by a family who felt hungry while moving to another apartment with everything packed and nothing to eat, they found a pack of heirloom popcorn kernels in one of the cabinet’s back. They soon realized this was something they need to share with the world.
Jen along with her husband and her husband’s sister decided to materialize this idea in 2012 with whatever money they had in excess.
The initial packing was as simple as paper bags with hand stamps.
But soon things changed.
The turning point was Shark Tank.
Shark Tank? What is that Shark Tank? Before discussing Pipcorn Shark Tank any further it’s essential to define Shark Tank first.
What is Shark Tank?
Started in 2009, Shark Tank is an American TV series that has investors sitting who listen to the pitches of entrepreneurs and either accept or reject their investment proposals.
Some call Shark Tank the American version of the world-famous Dragons’ Den, and interestingly both are the regional versions of the first such program ever, started in Japan called, マネーの虎, romanized: manē no tora (The Tigers of Money).
The show has won one of the biggest awards in the International TV industry, called Ammy Awards in 2012, 2013, and 2014 for Best Reality Program twice and Directing Nonfictional Programs respectively.
This platform has given lives to one of the amazing brands of the US including Scrub Daddy, The Ring Doorbell, Simply Fit Board, etc.
Pipcorn Shark Tank Rendezvous
Pipcorn Shark Tank StoryIn 2013, two entrepreneurs from Brooklyn, NY, decided to take their popcorn company, Pipcorn, to the ABC reality show Shark Tank.
They had a very successful pitch and ended up getting a $200,000 investment from shark Kevin O’Leary. Since appearing on Shark Tank, Pipcorn has continued to grow and is now sold in over 1,000 stores nationwide.
The company has also been featured in major publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Fast Company.
If you’re interested in starting your own business, or simply want to see how Pipcorn went from startup to success, be sure to check out their story below.
Pipcorn’s journey began in a rented apartment kitchen in Brooklyn.
The company was founded by sisters Jen and Tim Romero who had a passion for making delicious and healthy snacks.
After perfecting their recipes, they started selling their popcorn at local farmers’ markets and quickly gained a following.
It wasn’t long before they caught the attention of Shark Tank producer Mark Burnett who invited them to appear on the show. In 2013, Jen and Tim pitched Pipcorn on Shark Tank and caught the attention of shark Kevin O’Leary.
He was so impressed with their product that he made an offer of $200,000 for 20% equity in the company. The Romeros accepted O’Leary’s offer and Pipcorn became one.
What did The Pipcorn Founders Think When Shark Tank First Reached Them?
When Shark Tank first reached out to Pipcorn about coming on the show, our initial reaction was disbelief. We never considered not doing it at all because we knew that it would be an incredible opportunity to expose our brand to a wider audience. We’re so glad we made the decision to appear on Shark Tank and we’re grateful for all the exposure and support that we’ve received from the show.
How did they prepare for their pitch?
Pipcorn founders, Jen, Jeff and Teresa, prepared for their pitch by making a list of everything they would need to include. They organized their thoughts and created an outline of their presentation. They also practiced their pitch in front of family and friends to get feedback and make sure they were covering all the important points. In addition, the Martins did research on the Sharks before meeting them so they would know what each one was looking for in an investment. For this they watched all the previous Shark Tank series aired before.
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Was the Pipcorn team sure they would get the deal?
Among them, Jeff was sure they would get the deal when they went into the Shark Tank. They had a great product, a passionate team, and a clear vision for the future. The Sharks were impressed with their pitch and their product, and they were able to negotiate a deal that was mutually beneficial for both parties.
Impact On Pipcorn’s Business After Shark Tank Aired
It was a big night for Pipcorn. The small business, which makes miniature popcorn, was featured on ABC’s Shark Tank and landed a $200,000 investment from Mark Cuban.
Even before they even spoke their orders started pouring in like rain.
And to their surprise, after 24 hours of airing, they got about 7000 orders – a gigantic increase in sales, which had a miserable figure of just 26 in the quarter before their appearance in the Shark Tank.
In the 24 hours after airing, we had 7,000 orders on our website. On the other hand, leading up to our airing, we only had 26 orders. Once people saw us on TV and knew what we were all about, they jumped right on board with us!
With this one simple change, we unlocked a new way of doing business and established Pipcorn as a global sensation. Keeping up with our success was difficult, but five years later it’s still producing amazing results for our company.
Instantly. Look what happened to those people from Shark Tank!
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